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Units of Volume

Volume: Meaning and formula.

Volume is the measure of the amount of space occupied or enclosed by any three-dimensional object by the surfaces in cubic units. As each of the measures are linear measurements, the units of volumes are derived from the units of length.


To find out the volume of the 3D cuboidal object, we multiply its length(l), width(b), and height(h).

In the mathematical expression:

Volume = length × width × height

V = l × b × h

Thus, we have three units of dimensions (length, width, and height), so the volume is measured in cubic units.

Let’s understand with an example:

The length of a water tanker is 8 feet and height is 7 feet and the width of the tanker is 3 feet. Find the volume of the water tanker.

By putting the values of the given dimensions in the formula.

SI units of Volume

The SI unit of volume is cubic meter (m3). However, there are also other units to measure small and large quantities of volume.

Common Units of Volume in cubic meters

 cubic kilometer Km3 1 x 10003 m3 1,000,000,000 m3
hectometer Hm3 1 x 1003 m3 1,000,000 hm3
Decameter cubic dam3 1 x 103 m3 1000 m3
cubic meter m3 1 m3 1 m3
cubic decimeter dm³ 1 x 10-3 0.001 m3
cubic centimeter cm³ 1 x 100-3 m3 0.000001 m3
Cubic millimeter mm3 1 x 1000-3 m3 0.000000001 m



Note: Each unit is 1000 times more than the previous unit. To convert the one unit to other units accordingly either multiply or divide by the number of zeros that are there in place between the units. To convert a smaller unit into a greater unit we multiply the number of zeros between the units. And to convert a greater unit into a smaller unit we divide by the number of zeros between the units.

Examples of everyday units:

  • 200 ml – Juice Box.
  • 500 ml – Cold drink bottle.
  • 15 ml – Eye drop.
  • 5l – Cooking Oil.

Relationship between the Volume, Mass and Capacity

There is a relationship that exists between capacity and volume. A liter (l) is the capacity equal to the volume of a cube that measures 10 cm3 (1 dm3) on each side.

There exists a direct relationship between the volume and mass of water. One gram equals to 1 cm3 of pure water.

Volume Capacity Mass
1 m3 1 kl 1 t
1 dm3 1 l 1kg
1 cm3 1 ml 1g



  1. Convert into 1.76hm3 into m3


1 hm3= 1 x 106 m3

To convert the hm3 into m3, multiply the volume by 106 (1,000,000) as there are two places between the units.

  1. Convert the 10 m3 into liters.


We know 1 dm3 is equal to 1 liter. In the above example, the value is given in the m3. So, we need to first convert the unit m3 into dm3 and then have a value in liters.


10m3=10 × 1000dm3=100,000dm3

  1. The height, width, and length of the rectangular tank are 6m, 7m, and 600 cm respectively. There is also another rectangular tank smaller in size with a volume of 20, 0000 dm3. Find out by how many cubic meters the volume of the bigger tank is more than the smaller tank.


Here, we have to find out the volume of the bigger rectangular tank with the given dimensions:

Length of the tank = 600 cm = 6 m (1m = 100cm)

Height of the tank = 6m.

Width of the tank = 7m.

The volume of the bigger tank:

V = 6 × 7 × 6= 252m,

The volume of the smaller tanker is given in cubic decimeters. First, we need to convert it into cubic meters.

The volume of smaller tank = 20, 0000 dm3


Note here, dm3 is a smaller unit than m3. Thus, we have to divide to convert the smaller unit into a bigger unit.


Now we have both the volumes in the same unit i.e. in cubic meters. We can find out the number of cubic meters by which the volume of the bigger rectangular tank exceeds the value of the smaller tank.

=252m3 200m3


Thus, the volume of the bigger tank is 52m3 greater than the volume of the smaller tank.


Practice Multiple Choice Questions

PQRS is a rhombus. Each of its sides is 20 cm long, diagonal PR is 32 cm long and diagonal QS is 24 cm.

What is the area of PQRS?

1. 384 cm²
2. 400 cm²
3. 560 cm²
4. 768 cm²

Type your answer option :

Answer: 1

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What is the perimeter of a rhombus?
Answer: The perimeter of a rhombus with side ‘a’ is the sum of all four sides of it, that is, 4a.

Q2. Are all angles of a rhombus equal?
Answer: No. Only the opposite angles of a rhombus are equal.

Q3. Do the diagonals measure the same in length in the case of a rhombus?
Answer: The diagonals of a rhombus are of different lengths in measure.

Q4. How to find the area of a rhombus when its base and height are given?
Answer: Area enclosed by four sides of a rhombus when base and height are given is base x height.

Q5. What is the area of a rhombus whose interior angle is Ѳ and side is ‘a’?
Answer: When the interior angle between two sides of a rhombus is Ѳ and side is ‘a’ then area = a2Sin (Ѳ)

Q6. In case the diagonals of a rhombus are d1 & d2, how to calculate the area enclosed in it?
Answer:  If the diagonals of a rhombus are d1 & d2, Area = ½ x d1 x d2.