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Essential Math Concepts


Mathematics begins with counting. The early records of counting go beyond 50,000 years. Fingers and Tally marks substituted by Numbers we use now are the foundations of this subject. It is believed that every human being is born with an innate sense of numbers which makes mathematics an integral part of our daily lives. Basic mathematical concepts are usually intuitive. Our inborn knowledge of space (geometry), shapes and structures (mensuration and algebra), change (analysis) grows as we mature. Any child can compare between shapes and solid objects, compare the places they have been to, and choose the bigger pile of chocolates among the lot. That makes us conclude that no one is bad at math!! We just have to find a way to encourage their curiosity and provide the data that enriches it.

Importance of Maths

Basic mathematical concepts are just the ways to bring order to chaos. For example, the addition of two numbers is a simple concept, but repetitive addition of the same number – not so simple, it’s chaotic!! Then we have an urge to question, “how do we solve this?”. The answer is simple; we just use another basic concept, Multiplication. Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division are the essential concepts we need to know to be able to do any math.

  • Knowing the essential concepts helps us compare, understand and analyse anything we see and everything we know.
  • It improves our mental discipline, improves our thinking, and makes us logically sound.
  • It helps us connect the dots between the things we know and the things we are learning.
  • Most of all, mathematics increases our problem-solving capability, and that boosts our confidence.

Learning the concept of Multiplication instead of just memorizing the tables can make us remember them better. We can learn division because it’s fun to share sometimes. Subtraction helps us measure the change and compare. We have to learn addition because, how else are we going to know what we have to pay at the market?

Mathematics is an integral part of human life. Any stream we choose to study or anyone we want to be, knowing the essential concepts is a must.

Explore all Math topics

  • Geometry
  • Operations
  • Numbers
  • Trigonometry
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