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Profit and loss questions with solutions

Profit and loss questions 

Let us first revise the basic concepts and formulas before solving the questions.

  1. Cost Price = Buying price + Total overhead charges (if any)
  2. Profit = Selling Price – Cost Price
  3. Loss = Cost Price – Selling Price
  4. \text{ Profit }(\text { in } \%)=\frac{\text { Profit }}{\text { Cost Price }} \times 100=\frac{\text { Selling price }-\text { Cost price }}{\text { Cost Price }} \times 100
  5. \text { Loss }(\text { in } \%)=\frac{\text { Loss }}{\text { Cost Price }} \times 100=\frac{\text { Cost price }-\text { Selling price }}{\text { Cost Price }} \times 100
  6. Marked Price = Selling price + Discount
  7. \text {  Discount }(\text { in } \%)=\frac{\text { Discount }}{\text { Marked Price }} \times 100=\frac{\text { Marked Price }-\text {Selling Price }}{\text { Marked } \text { Price }} \times 100


Solved examples

1. Vickey brought 10 apples for Rs 80 and sold them at Rs 100. Find his profit percentage.


Cost price of 10 apples = Rs 80

Selling price of 10 apples = Rs 100

Profit = Selling Price – Cost price = Rs 100 – Rs 80 = Rs 20

Profit percentage =\frac{\text { Selling price-Cost price }}{\text { Cost price }} \times 100=\frac{100-80}{80} \times 100=\frac{20}{80}\times 100=25 \%

Hence, Vickey got a profit of 25%.

2. A shopkeeper sold a TV for Rs 50,000. He gained a profit of Rs 5000. Find the cost price of the TV.


Selling Price = Rs 50,000

Profit = Rs 5000

Cost price = Selling Price – Profit = 50,000-5000 = Rs 45000

Hence, the cost price of the Tv is Rs 45,000.

3. Mohit brought a second-hand motorcycle for Rs 20,000 and spent Rs 6,000 for repairing it. At what price should he sell the motorcycle to get a profit of 10%?


Cost of the motorcycle brought by Mohit = Rs 20,000

Repairing charges = Rs 6000

Cost price = Rs 20,000 + Rs 6000 = Rs 26,000

Profit = 10% of Cost Price

= 10% of Rs 26,000

=\frac{10}{100} \times 26,000

= Rs 2600

Selling Price = Cost price + Profit = Rs 26000 + Rs 2600 = Rs 28600

Hence Mohit should sell the motorcycle at Rs 28600 to get a profit of 10%.

4. Priya brought a pair of shoes for Rs 1000. If the shopkeeper sold at 25% profit, Find the cost price of the shoes.


Selling Price = Rs 1000

Profit percentage = 25 %

Let cost price be x.

Profit percentage =\frac{\text { Selling price-Cost Price }}{\text { Cost Price }} \times 100

\Rightarrow 25=\frac{1000-x}{x} \times 100

\Rightarrow \quad 25 x=100,000-100 x

\Rightarrow \quad 25 x+100 x=100,000

\Rightarrow \quad 125 x=100,000

\Rightarrow \quad x=800

Hence the cost price for the pair of shoes is equal to Rs 800.


5. A businessman brought an office for Rs 500,000. Find the selling price if he had 8% loss.

Cost Price = Rs 500,000

Loss Percentage = 8%

Loss = 8% of Rs 500,000

=\frac{8}{100} \times 500,000

= 8 × 5000

= 40,000

Selling price = Cost price – loss

= 500,000 – 40,000

= 460,000

Hence the selling price of the office is Rs 460,000.

6. A decorative piece was marked Rs 10,000. The shopkeeper offered a discount of 20%. Find the selling price of the decorative piece.


Marked price = Rs 10,000

Let selling price be x. 

Discount = 20% of Marked Price

Marked price = Selling Price + discount

⇒ 10,000 = x + 2000

∴ x = 10,000 – 2000 = 8000

Hence the selling price of the decorative piece is equal to Rs 8000.

7. A shopkeeper sold a dress with a marked price of  Rs 800 after a discount of 5% but got a loss of Rs 100. Find the cost price of the dress.


Marked Price = Rs 800

Discount Percentage = 5%

Loss = Rs 100

Discount = 5 % of marked price = 5% of Rs 800 =\frac{5}{100} \times 800=\text{Rs} 40

Selling Price = Marked Price – Discount

                       = Rs 800 – Rs 40

                       = Rs 760

Cost Price = Selling Price + loss

                   = Rs 760 + Rs 100

                   = Rs 860

Hence the cost price of the dress is Rs 860.

8. Priya brought two baskets for Rs 50 each. She sold 1 basket for Rs 60 and the other for Rs 45. Find profit or loss on both baskets. Also, find the total profit or loss.


Basket 1

Cost Price = Rs 50

Selling Price = Rs 60

Since the cost price is less than the selling price, profit has occurred.

Profit = Selling price – Cost price

           = Rs 60 – Rs 50

           = Rs 10

Basket 2

Cost Price = Rs 50

Selling Price = Rs 45

Since the cost price is more than the selling price, loss has occurred.

Loss = Cost price – Selling price

         =Rs 50 – Rs 45

         = Rs 5

Total Cost Price = Rs 50 + Rs 50 = Rs 100

Total selling price = Rs 60 + Rs 45 = Rs 105

Total profit = Rs 105 – Rs 100 = Rs 5

Total profit percentage =\frac{\text { Total cost } \text { Price }}{\text { Total }} \times 100=\frac{5}{100} \times 100=5 \%

Hence Priya got a total profit of 5%.


9. Kavya bought 20 oranges for Rs 100 out of which 5 oranges turned bad. She sold the remaining at Rs 6. Find the profit or loss. 

Also, find the profit or loss if no oranges turn bad.


The total cost price of 20 oranges = Rs 100

Number of oranges that turned bad = 5

Remaining number of oranges sold by Kavya = 20 – 5 = 15

The selling price of 1 orange = Rs 6

The total selling price of 15 oranges = Rs (6 × 15) = Rs 90

Since the total cost price (Rs 100) is less than the total selling price (Rs 90), Kavya had a loss.

Total Loss = Rs 100 – Rs 90 = Rs 10

Total Loss percentage =\frac{\text { Total loss }}{\text { Total cost price }} \times 100=\frac{10}{100} \times 100=10 \%

Ready to get started ?

Frequently Asked Questions 

    Q1: Write the formula for profit per cent.

    Ans: Profit ( in %) =\frac{\text { Selling Price-Cost Price }}{\text { Cost Price }} \times 100

    Q2. Write the formula for loss percent

    Ans: Loss( in %)=\frac{\text { Cost Price - Selling Price }}{\text { Cost Price }} \times 100

    Q3. Write the formula for a discount percent?

    Ans: Discount ( in %) )=\frac{\text { Discount }}{\text { Marked Price }} \times 100=\frac{\text { Marked price }-\text { Selling Price }}{\text { Marked Price }} \times 100