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Divisibility Rule of 4 With Examples and FAQ – Mindspark

The divisibility rule of 4 is a shortcut trick to check if a number is divisible by 4 or not without performing the lengthy mathematical division process.


What is the Divisibility Rule of 4?

 The divisibility rule of 4 tells us if a number can be exactly divisible by 4 without leaving any remainder. 

Usually, we check this with the mathematical division process. But the divisibility rule has a shortcut method to tell us if a number is wholly divisible by 4 or not. 

According to the divisibility rule of 4, if the last two digits of a given number are zeroes (00) or if the number formed by the last two digits can be wholly divided by 4, then the given number is divisible by 4. Let us see an example.”


In the number 5812, the number formed by the last two digits is 12. Upon dividing 12 by 4, we find that it is wholly divisible by 4. Therefore, the given number 5812 will also be completely divisible by 4. 

Similarly, in 300, the last two digits are zeroes (00), which means that 300 is also divisible by 4.

Note – The divisibility rule of the number 4 can be applied to only those numbers with at least three digits. Numbers having 1 or 2 digits can be checked by the normal division process.




1. Use the divisibility rule of 4 and check if 34972 is divisible by 4?

 The last two digits of 34972 form a number 72.

Dividing 72 by 4 gives 72 ÷ 4 = 18 (leaves no remainder)

We can see that the number formed by the last two digits is divisible by 4.

Therefore, the number 348972 is also divisible by 4. 


2. Find out if the following numbers are divisible by 4 or not- 

          a)984  b)650   c)1800

Let’s test these numbers using the divisibility rule of the number 4.

The number formed by the last two digits of 984 is 84. Upon dividing 84 by 4, it leaves no remainder. Therefore, 984 is divisible by 4.

The number formed by the last two digits of 650 is 50. Upon dividing 50 by 4, it leaves a remainder of 2. Therefore, 650 is not divisible by 4.

1800 is divisible by 4 because the last two digits are zeroes (00).

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Frequently Asked Questions 

    1. How can we check if a number is divisible by 4?

    Ans: If the last two digits of a given number are zeroes (00) or if the number formed by the last two digits can be wholly divided by 4, then the given number is divisible by 4.

    2. Which is the largest three-digit number completely divisible by 4?

    Ans: 996 is the largest three-digit number divisible by 4 since the number formed by the last 2-digits is 96, and when we divide 96 by 8 leaves no remainder. The next number divisible by 4 after 996 is 1000, which is a 4-digit number.